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I am a mama

to a bubbly and very busy toddler and a middle aged - but forever puppy - fur child. Currently expecting our second child, due in the Spring of 2020. Focusing on embracing the chaos and finding joy in this adventurous journey called motherhood.

I am a Storyteller

who is crazy about documenting life. A believer in taking time to pause and find something to be grateful for each day -- yes even the tough ones!

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I am a wife

who met my husband thumb dancing on the dance floor at our law school prom. I "retired" from my career as a criminal defense attorney in 2011 to focus on building our life and my documentary photography business in Boston.


I am Kiera

and I am doing this thing called life the best damn way I can. It means balancing my dreams of being present with my family as we grow together, with my desires to document life and help others do the same for theirs. Please join me in this wild ride by following me on Instagram and reaching out if you want to create some magic together!


currently OUT OF COMMISSION / working on...

// Growing a human and adding to our family in 2020.

// Developing the Frame of Life Project - an online resource providing inspirational tips and tricks for documenting and organizing personal photo collections. Join me in my mission to find, celebrate, and share the stories that make up the beautiful, mundane moments of life.